Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Cartoon Network

It's been pretty weird around here lately, hasn't it?

Yeah, I think so too.

I think we should watch some cartoons.

Oh come on, you knew that was coming.

Admittedly, I have never seen an anime film in it's entirety (unless an entire season of Sailor Moon counts.) But from what I've gathered, aliens are always coming to earth..Japan specifically...and raping schoolgirls with their...well I dunno...tentacles?

The real beauty of anime porn clips on the internet is that unlike real live porn, which has no plot, anime porn just gets even more weird once it's out of context.

For example:


Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if my job were to draw cartoons having sex. Thankfully though, progress has saved me from that fate....


This may make me sound like a weirdo, but this scares me more than the people having sex with the dead from last week.

FINALLY someone figured out how to make the Sims fuck. That's the only reason anyone ever bought that game to begin with, but then you'd play it and after about 4329782347234 MIND NUMBING HOURS you realized they only got pixellated. Bummer.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on here? I see like five different people in that pile.

God, these are frightening...


Shaina said...

man your xtube embeds never work for me

Anonymous said...

the one cgi girl looks like b. spears. hhaha.

Anonymous said...

love ur posts! keep em coming!