Thursday, January 14, 2010


Sometimes I don't have the right words to describe what I am going to show you, so let me just show you:

(okay so apparently Yiffytube doesnt work that well so here's a link:

That orca has abs.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Best Part of Waking Up

The above photo is a trophy wall of items retrieved from various rectums that is kept on the wall of a Russian Hospital.


The posting process for this blog usually goes like this:

1. I find one thing randomly that I deem post-worthy.  This random item usually dictates the theme for the post.

2. I then search for related items.

By following that pattern, naturally today's post should end with a slew of coffee mug related  videos.


You know why?  Because even though I had my pick of THOUSANDS of videos of dudes pissing into coffee mugs and drinking it, I decided not to go there.  

Instead, I found something far. more. disturbing.


When I first noticed the "butter" tag on Xtube, I assumed I would find about a billion videos of butter being used as lube.  And I did.  With one, very notable, exception:

Now, I don't expect you to sit through eight and a half minutes of this guy rubbing butter all over himself (he goes through 2 tubs!) and then running a bath.  I don't even really recommend it, unless you think you can gain some elusive spiritual understanding from it.  I just want you to watch the first couple minutes, because LOOK AT HOW CREEPY THIS GUY IS:

That's a face that says "I actually want to smother you in butter until you can't breathe anymore then I want to roll your buttered corpse around in some flour then deep fry you and wear your fried skin as a jacket."

One more thing....

I watched a 9 minute video of someone's testicles that had been infused with 7 litres of saline before I realized there was no embed code.  Since I can't share the horror of the video with you, I screencapped:

Just for you!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Life is like a hurricane...

Hey there kids.

I'll be honest, I almost pulled the plug on the ol' porno bloggo.

The whole facebook incident  really got to me.  I was tired of seeing really horrible things when researching material for this blog.  The internet is a really disturbing place, in case you have been stuck in The Lone Wolf Tavern since 1999 and hadn't already noticed.

Also I got about 100,000 viruses and burnt out the harddrive on my laptop that I had for less than 6 months.


I managed to get a new computer, some really intense anti-everything software, and a renewed tolerance for the internet...


just play that on loop while you read this.

There is this really amazing article on duck genitalia you guys should read.  However, I know full well you guys are spatial learners so I will keep it short and sweet, then show you a video or two. 

...In brief, Brennan wanted to understand why some ducks have such extravagant penises. Why are they cork-screw shaped? Why do they get so ridiculously long–some cases as long as the duck’s entire body? As Brennan dissected duck penises, she began to wonder what the female sexual anatomy looked like. If you have a car like this, she said, what kind of garage do you park it in?....

.... But while male duck penises twist clockwise, the female oviduct twists counterclockwise....

In mammals, the penis becomes erect as blood flows into the spongy tissue. Ducks pump lymph fluid instead. And as the fluid enters the penis, it does not simply become engorged. It flips rightside-out.

That is a duck penis becoming erect slowed down 10x.  Let me repeat..

...Of course, drakes don’t mate with the air. Having made this video, Brennan still needed a way to see how a duck penis actually performs its appointed task. Unable to film duck penises in a real female oviduct, she built a fake oviduct out of silcone. She then managed to get a drake to mate with it. But the overwhelming force of the explosive penis broke the fake oviduct.
So Brennan turned to glass. Her new fake oviducts were strong enough to handle the drakes, and she started filming. Here’s what she saw....

In case you didn't see, in that last fake duck vag, the male ducks penis BURSTS THROUGH.


Science is fascinating and it made my lady parts ache.

Now, it's a stretch (or is it) if I let this post end by saying that this counts as porn because someone out there must jerk off to ducks.  That is probably (100%) true, but just to err on the side of caution, here is some duck porn:

He puts on a condom to avoid avian flu, obviously.