Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Best Part of Waking Up

The above photo is a trophy wall of items retrieved from various rectums that is kept on the wall of a Russian Hospital.


The posting process for this blog usually goes like this:

1. I find one thing randomly that I deem post-worthy.  This random item usually dictates the theme for the post.

2. I then search for related items.

By following that pattern, naturally today's post should end with a slew of coffee mug related  videos.


You know why?  Because even though I had my pick of THOUSANDS of videos of dudes pissing into coffee mugs and drinking it, I decided not to go there.  

Instead, I found something far. more. disturbing.


When I first noticed the "butter" tag on Xtube, I assumed I would find about a billion videos of butter being used as lube.  And I did.  With one, very notable, exception:

Now, I don't expect you to sit through eight and a half minutes of this guy rubbing butter all over himself (he goes through 2 tubs!) and then running a bath.  I don't even really recommend it, unless you think you can gain some elusive spiritual understanding from it.  I just want you to watch the first couple minutes, because LOOK AT HOW CREEPY THIS GUY IS:

That's a face that says "I actually want to smother you in butter until you can't breathe anymore then I want to roll your buttered corpse around in some flour then deep fry you and wear your fried skin as a jacket."

One more thing....

I watched a 9 minute video of someone's testicles that had been infused with 7 litres of saline before I realized there was no embed code.  Since I can't share the horror of the video with you, I screencapped:

Just for you!