Wednesday, December 2, 2009


This is kind of a personal rant.  I just want to warn you in advance that this is not a pleasant post about pussy.  This post will have links to very graphic imagery.  Imagery that This Lil Porno Mine does not condone in any way, shape or form.  I just want to make a point about the warped decency standards on the internet. 

There is one thing... ONLY ONE FUCKING THING.. that I have ever seen on the internet that I vowed I would never want to see ever again.

I have gone to great lengths to avoid this thing.

And I have to be honest.. the last place I thought I would find it is on FUCKING FACEBOOK.

See, Japan has this fetish niche that involves women in high heels crushing kittens to death by stomping on their heads.

(note that the link there has images from the very video I saw.  click at your own risk.)

Obviously I have a personal problem with that.  I don't need to go any further than that.  This is my blog and I already posted about that horrible bear video, so I made a conscious decision to leave most animals dying out of my blog.

However, I am bringing all of this up now, because I have a bone to pick... and that bone is with you, FACEBOOK.

When I tried to make the This Lil Porno Mine fan page, (which is really thriving with all four friends because people are afraid to befriend a porn comedy site because their parents might see. oh noes! like your parents don't already see all your fucking drunken status updates and questionable photos. believe me, we are the least of your parent's concerns.  pussies), I had a lot of trouble, because Facebook's weird standards of decency prohibit the word "PORNO" in a username.


This coming from the website that allowed the whole "kick a ginger day" debacle?

The website that allows a Pro-Rape/Anti-Consent group to exist FOR MONTHS?

Fine.  So I got over that hurdle by making "porno" and "mine" one word.  And all was well.

But this thorn remains in my side, Facebook, and I can't let it go.  Especially now, when I see that once again... it's not okay to mention the word "porno" but it's totally fucking okay to have more than one photo album of you murdering a cat?

Can someone explain this to me, please?

Can someone explain why this fan page can not only exist but can also have photos like this up like it's no big deal, but I can't have the word "porno" in my username?

Social Networking doesn't work because like society, it can't be policed in a way that makes sense.

Fuck you, Facebook.

Fuck you, Facebook, for banning photos of women breast-feeding their babies but allowing rape and animal abuse to live on your servers.

Fuck you, Facebook, for having no other priorities other than making sure I might get a "dislike" button, and that Farmville runs more smoothly.  Govern all, or govern none, but take some responsibility for the shit you DO let slip through the cracks. 

Myspace would.


The Pron said...

By the way, I calmed myself down after this post by listening to Brian McKnight. :D