I don't even know how to start this post, so let's just get right into it.
It's going to be a doozy.
It's going to be a doozy.
To quote WikiFur: Vorarephilia (or vore[1][2]) is a fetish and paraphilia where arousal occurs from the idea of being eaten, eating another, or watching this process.[3] The fantasy may include digestion, painless or otherwise. The word is derived from the Latin vorare (to 'swallow' or 'devour') and the Ancient Greek φιλία (philia, 'love').
Although most of the information I am going to present you on this subject is by or about Furries, let it be known that this is not a subculture limited to Furdom. Furries just have a tendency to be more accepting as a culture in general, so Vore thrives in their world.
Now, there is going to be a lot of text in this post, because this subject deserves to be explained well. Oh don't worry, your brain will still melt. I just want it to be better informed while melting.
Two Courses To Every Meal:
In the world of Vore, you are either Predator or Prey. Like BDSM, you can eat or be eaten (pun very much intended.)
For either party, digestion may or may not be a part of the fantasy and it may or may not be painful. From what I gathered in my brief research, most Vore imagery seems to be without digestion. It's more like being a baby in the womb.

Sort Vore:
Soft vore describes scenarios where prey is consumed alive and whole, often without being harmed before reaching the stomach. Because of its usually non-violent nature, soft vore is commonly regarded as more sensual and sexually oriented. Willing or unwilling prey in soft vore prey are either digested, asphyxiated, or simply held inside the stomach. Some vorarephiles who derive pleasure from watching animals eat other animals enjoy watching snakes eating, this is because they usually swallow their prey whole, a major element in soft vore
Hard Vore:
Hard vore describes scenarios where prey is subjected to injuries of being ripped and chewed. This type of vore involves cutting, biting, tearing and usually also involves blood. Although inherently there is no sexual characteristic to these portrayals, to someone with a vore fetish, they could be taken in a sexual context. Hard vore has sometimes been referred to as "gore" to separate it from soft vore.[6]
But Vore isn't all srs bizness.
Because there is...
That is supposed to be an Orca Whale btw. On land. With breasts. And legs.
I dunno.
"Male Genital Vore," commonly called cock vore, refers to being consumed by the penis.[9] This involves the urethral opening at the top of the penis, after which they are pulled down the urethra to the predator's scrotum, in which prey is absorbed, digested, or turned into semen (sometimes known as "cum vore") and ejaculated. A lesser known variant involves the prey to be taken to the prostate for conversion to semen, or to the bladder for storage or digestion.[10]
Not well known, Anal vore describes being consumed by the anus.[11] In common scenarios, prey consumed through anal vore is often drawn up through the digestive tract to the stomach where they are digested in a normal fashion. Such is not always the case, as the prey may simply remain in the rectum of the predator for a varying length of time.
Of course, Anal Vore comes with video:
The guy below refers to his anus as "Char-rump" because everything bad always leads back to Pokemon:
I like how he narrates you through it all. So soothing.
Most vorarephiles are aware of the inherent silliness of their fetish, and are largely uninterested in the idea of cannibalism.
But not above putting plastic dinosaurs in their buttholes.

Action Pants.
Hey, I'm one of those people who, for some bizarre reason, happens to be a voraphile (in addition to being a normal, god-fearing, red-blooded heterosexual.) This post did a pretty good job of summing up my odd fetish (and yes, I'm very much aware of how weird/ridiculous it is.)
It's a pretty harmless quirk, though. I might not be planning on telling my friends or family about in anytime soon/ever, but it's a part of myself that I've come to accept; something that I'll probably always have, and have, weirdly enough, have had since childhood. Just miswired, I guess?
this page has helped me understand it better and i feel better about loving/addickted to vore, thanks A age 13
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